Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Supreme Court strikes down 3/4 of AZ's controversial immigration laws.

While most people were hanging on the edge of their seat to hear the outcome of the 'affordable care act' the supreme court semi-surprised the people by instead by declaring three parts of the immigration laws unconstitutional:

1) Requiring all immigrants (14 yrs +)to obtain and carry immigration registration papers.
2) Making it a state criminal offense for an illegal immigrant to seek work or hold a job.
3) Allowing police to arrest suspected illegal immigrants without warrants.

These policies which had an eerily 'totalitarian'  ring to them, (which many people throughout the country, citizen or not, picked up on) severely threatened the rights of people with less then legitimate citizenship status/visas.

Arizona was thrust into the lime light, with some states following suit with similar immigration laws/provisions. It is reassuring to see the supreme court strike down laws that are infringing on human rights, even though the laws were targeted at "non-Americans".

The only law left in place was
4) Peace enforcement officers are required to check the immigration status of the participants of lawful stops,  arrests, or lawful contact.


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